Warning: This may contain spoilers!

The Character Sheet will be updated regularly as I read and make notes for myself and keep track of the Stories.

Please read at your own risk. There will be no further spoiler warnings from now on.

Rufus Inferna (ML)

  • 루퍼스는 Rufus
  • 18 years old at the beginning of the story
  • 21 when he returns from war, became a hero
  • the oldest son of the Barony Inferna, a small countryside fief
  • parents dead; brought up by his grandmother
  • has one younger brother: Edelweiss
  • became a platoon leader of the army after unsuccessfully proposing to marry Princess Sordid
  • beheaded the Demon King Audisus
  • his wish to the demon king was to reverse time so he could safe Sarubia, his lover

Sarubia (FL)

  • 사루비아 Sarubia (サルビア = Salvia) 
  • Nickname: Ruby
  • has the Mark of the Saintess on her shoulder
  • Ability: can tell when people die (probably also how)
  • keeps being a saintess secret
  • maid of Princess Sordid
  • works in the palace since childhood
  • hair colour: ivory
  • saved Rufus’ grandmother from her fate of dying and died instead

Princess Sordid of Hevnia

  • a woman worth dying for?
  • the youngest child of the King of Hevnia
  • bad personality, violent temper
  • has abused Sarubia multiple times during the three years of Rufus’ absence 
  • once betrothed to the Prince of the Empire
  • got intested in Rufus after he showed no interest in her
  • married Rufus in his 1st life and got killed by him after trying to assasinate him out of revenge for her family

King of Hevnia

  • doesn’t even deserve a name… 
  • opportunity seeking, greedy
  • has four children (3 princes, 1 princess)
  • sends Rufus to war to die after the latter proposed to marry his daughter
  • tries to assasinate Rufus multiple times 
  • tried to assasinate Rufus after he became a hero
  • beheaded by Baroness Inferna

Edelweiss Inferna

  • the younger brother of Rufus
  • also called Edel; Vice (by Sarubia)
  • a bright and good-natured young man

Baroness Inferna

  • grandmother of Rufus
  • a good and wise woman 
  • accepts Sarubia 

Demon King Audisus

  • beheaded by Rufus
  • ‘drops’ a ruby magic stone
  • has strong magic, enough to reverse time


  • soldier in Rufus’ platoon
  • half-witch, half-human
  • son of the with Orth and (illegitimate) Viscount Eustace

Witch Orth

  • Iroel’s mother
  • once in love with a nobleman from the human kingdom
  • loyal to the Demon King

Crown Prince Birren

  • Crown Prince of Hevnia

Prince Truk

  • third Prince of Hevnia
  • in charge of the subjugation army
  • likes to drink and indulge in women